"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

The WTF post of the day. . .

It's been a few days since a jaw-dropper rolled around. Ahmenihjad heckled? Old news. Diana bugged? Who cares? Rosie and Olemert have big fat mouths?? We all knew that.

And then this. . .

Cindy Sheehan convicted for trespassing at the UN? Now ya got something!

Seems she and others were trying to deliver a "Stop The Iraq War" petition to the US mission and were arrested under charges of trespassing, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and obstructing government administration, whatever THAT is. Obstructing governmental administration sounds like day to day Congressional activity to me!

So, the Manhatten Criminal Court rolled over and convicted them for trespassing, nothing more nothing less. And the penalty?? Better have a seat. . .

$95.00 in court "surcharges" and "conditional discharge."

Now let's think hypothetically.

Let's say that Mr. Burning Toast has a few beverages around his new burning barrel and decides that he wants to have his night cap on top of the Jackson Police Department building in downtown Jackson. You think I'd get off with conditional discharge and a $95.00 fine? I assure you, I'd spend at least four times that much trying to get my face sewn back together.

Let's look at some other fines for simple crimes:

jaywalking in Salt Lake City could net you a fine of $750

cursing in public and/or public intoxication in Mississippi, maximum $100 and max 30 days in the hole

Indiana: It shall be unlawful for any person to throw any stone or other missile at any bird or any animal, except in self-defense, or to throw a stone or other missile on or across any street, alley or public place of the city.

Shouldn't they arrest Peyton Manning?

Let's get real people, this lady is a hot baked potatoe (Dan Quayle style) that no elected official wants to touch with a ten foot cattle prod, although that doesn't sound like such a bad idea frankly. And for people like Citizen Sheehan and others who care to dissent and cause a meaningless ruckus on governmental property. . .ever heard of registered mail?

Registered mail starts at the low low price of $8.42 per ounce for a large envelope direct from Crawford, Texas to New York City. You could have mailed the flippin thing! I'm sure with those breathtaking book sales, you could afford that, and maybe spend a few bucks to get your face sewn up too.

God Bless America and Support Our Troops!! They kill bad people and die for you so you have the freedom to get locked up and clog up our already overwhelmed justice system. You wanna screw up somewhere? Try Indonesia, I hear they have a very liberal social and judicial system there.

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