"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Welcome to Jackson. . .Updated

According to the Clarion-Ledger, the two men shot in the armed robbery are in "fair" condition at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Bassam Alomari, 25, was shot four times, once in the neck and four times in the torso and Alhoussine Arhgoummi, 34, was shot twice, once in the head and stomach.

The store's manager, Ahmed Alomari, who's son was one of the victims has now armed himself to the teeth with one gun on his hip and one gun in each front pocket. He stated, "If they come back here, they are not going to leave back out."

Frustrated with rising crime and declining police effectiveness, we passed a law in this state called the "Castle Doctrine" that critics have termed the "shoot first" law. In reality, it says, "a person who uses deadly force to protect his home, business or vehicle is presumed to have acted prudently and would be immune from civil liability."

So for all you dumbass criminals out there, think twice before whipping out your piece or sneaking through a window, because you might just get a face full of high-velocity "indoctrination."

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