Bhutto Dead. . .
Benazir Bhutto is dead. I'm no big fan and will not defend her past actions. Two terms as prime minister of Pakistan were rife with corruption and scandal, yet her current, now past message of democracy, freedom and peace rang true in the ears of friend and foe alike.
The latter with deadly consequences.
This disease of violence, this canker, this blight on all mankind must be stopped no matter the heavy price. Truly a very sad day in the history of the free world.
Screw these ignorant, backward, suicide bombing retards! These people ARE NOT this way because of the "oppression from the infidel West." They are this way because their ideology is driven by too many misguided, evil and demented leaders/mullahs/psychopaths who live and preach 7th century HATE AND VIOLENCE.
Suuurrre, it's all just fine to blow up yourself or your child in the name of Allah.
Allah says it's A-OK. Allah says bombs are cool. No worries. Fuggetaboutit!
The hell it is!!? Are you insane!!?
You goddamn people don't deserve to exist on this planet. You are lower than frog turds in a pond.
Paramecium, coccidia and amoebas have more brain power than you lugheaded bilge buckets. You contribute nothing except pain and aggravation to your OWN people first and the rest of the world second. Goddamn you to hell and beyond you twisted, sicko, child and woman abusing freaks! You deserve nothing less than a painful and fiery death.
And for you left-wing nutjobs who complain because the USA has been "simulating" the drowning of bad guys in an effort to stop this kind of mayhem. . . .well, fuck you too!! Go drive your Prius into a tree and kill yourself for secularism. It's as equally glorifying as suicide bombing. Idiots.
"Oh heavens no, we can't pour water down Abdul's throat, it's too traumatic and he may suffer psychological difficulties in the future! Boo hoo sniffle sniffle!"
Somebody please call the "Waaaaambulance!!"
In the future?? The FUTURE??
Here is your fucking future:
These distortions of the human race that you may consider "freedom fighters" or "liberators" are suffering from psychological difficulties NOW, and last year, one thousand years ago, and a thousand years into the future unless we do something about it. This has nothing to do with Muslim vs. Christian. This is simply sanity vs. insanity.
God help us all.
Sadly, some will say "Oh, but you sound just like them!"
Yes dear, but I don't butcher people!
And there is any easy way to stop it. I wish death on no person nor animal with intent, but whether it be by bombs and guns or handshakes and apologies, I only wish it would all end now.
If someone on your side would say "We quit."
So. Would. We.
In a heartbeat.
"Some say the end is near" -- Maynard James Keenan
And I am beginning to believe him.