"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Boo Boo Thinks. . .

that Hillary Clinton is a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.

The Catch YoU Next Tuesday candidate was in Hattiesburg yesterday and tried (and failed) to clarify a comment she made in Iowa about our backward sexist ways here in Mississippi.

Let's collectively refresh our memories.

While campaigning in Iowa, the old hag said, "How can Iowa be ranked with Mississippi? That's not what I see. That's not the quality. That's not the communitarianism; That's not the openness I see in Iowa," because we, like Iowa have never elected a woman as governor or Congresswoman.

Yesterday, the hack tried to "clarify" her remarks by making an equally ignorant statement that her comments "were not exactly what I said." Ummm, do what now?

Let that sink in for a moment folks.

What she said was not what she said. Kinda like the old conundrum about what the meaning of is is. And she expects us dumbass, backward, under-edumacated rednecks to believe that. With this kinda of doublebackspeak going on, what in the world will happen when the whacked-out leftists of America elect this dreck as president?

Hillary, as much as you don't want to believe it, we are actually a fairly well-to-do bunch down here. We can read. Hell, even a few of us have been learned how to write.

She lamented yesterday, as she did in Iowa, that we have never "elected a woman statewide," which is just flat wrong. And just so I can clarify things a bit, we have elected a woman "statewide" twice in the form of Lieutenant Governors Evelyn Gandy and Amy Tuck.

Ironically, Senator Carpetbagger made her comments in Hattiesburg, which is the hometown of Evelyn Gandy, a true woman of change, and is where she practiced law until her death in December 2007.

Scarilly Clinton, you are an evil douche. . .a very, very dirty and distorted douche. As much as you think the world owes you something, we owe you nothing, less than nothing. You are lower than slime on a frog's ass and frankly, we can live without you showing up in our state acting like you like us. We know you don't. Please don't come back. Go home to New York. Go home to Charles "Who wants to live in Mississippi?" Rangel who also has nothing for our state.

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