Happy Easter!
It's nearly Springtime here around the old encampment and that means one thing. . .f'n yard work! Now, I'm not complaining, but, well truth is I AM complaining.
Nah, it's not that bad. . .but a couple acres of grass to cut each week kinda grinds you down after a while. On the other hand, working in the garden brings a certain satisfaction as the weather warms and your delicate little plants begin to flourish.
There are nearly 80 acres here, mostly wooded, a four acre pond and numerous clusters of pine and hardwood here and there. A veritable cornucopia of wildlife lives here like the eusive white-tail deer whose tracks I see all the time, but never see them. I haven't seen any hummingbirds yet, but the rabbits are out and about. Ol' Mr. Baggins the opposum still pays regular visits to the porch for a meal and different and various species of bird abound. We have sparrows of infinite variety, the purple martins scouts are out searching for a homestead for the spring and summer. The colorful cardinals are always around, as well as dove, goldfinches, a few grackles, crows and waterbirds like the blue heron and the white egret. It's nice.
I was cleaning out the bluebird houses today and I found a beautiful nest in one complete with a tiny bluebird feather. This was the house that Boo Boo the cat liked to camp out under waiting for a delicious meal. I don't think he got any of them. I hope not anyway.
And later this afternoon, I was setting a new pole for a martin house and when I got out an already opened bag of concrete mix I found the wren nest and egg shell you see below inside the sack. One brave bird, living on the porch just inches away from the two assassins I call my pet cats. Just glorious.
Alas, all is well with the world. These are the days I appreciate most, quietly working the land, alone with my thoughts and perfectly content. Happy Easter to all and thank you God for creating such a beautiful world, but would you mind giving me a hand with the grass-cutting?