"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

One Hypocritical S.O.B.

Fidel Castro's response today about the bombing of a FARC rebel camp in Ecuador by Colombia is without a doubt one of the most hypocritical statements of the century.

Courtesy of La Prensa Latina:

Fidel Castro denounced that Imperialism has just committed a monstrous crime in Ecuador, when deadly bombs were dropped in the early morning hours on a group of men and women who, almost without exception, were asleep.

"Any concrete accusations against that group of human beings do not justify that action", Fidel Castro stressed in an article entitled "Rafael Correa", released here today.

"They were Yankee bombs, guided by Yankee satellites," he outlined.

"Absolutely no one has the right to kill in cold blood. If we accept that imperial method of warfare and barbarism, Yankee bombs directed by satellites could fall on any group of Latin American men and women, in the territory of any country, war or no war", he warned.

Oh really? No one is allowed to kill in cold blood? Do you remember any of this, Jefe?

Castro’s human rights violations are legion; starting in 1965 he [Castro] developed his system of concentration camps, the UMAP, in remote areas of Cameguey province. At one point, his gulag held at least 100,000 prisoners, many of whom were subjected to rape, flogging, and torture of many varieties. At least 5,000 died in the camps. It is estimated that some 18,000 political prisoners have been killed in Cuba since Castro came to power. This would be the equivalent in US terms of more than 500,000 political executions, based on the relative populations of the two countries.

Moreover, the government continues to censor the press; a 2003 round-up of journalists, librarians, and human rights activists led to show-trials in which 78 people were sentenced to a combined 1,400 years in prison for sedition. Castro’s regime also forbids the existence of opposition political parties, unions, and free elections. At least 25,000 Cubans have managed to successfully escape from the island under Castro’s oppressive regime; given the estimate that 3 in the 4 have died in the attempt to leave, Castro’s regime can be blamed for an additional 75,000 deaths.(source)

I guess none of that qualifies as cold blood.

Perhaps in a perfect world, people like Castro, Chavez, Ahmedinejad, Kim Jong-Il wouldn't exist, but the reality is: life ain't perfect.

And for you people like the snizz Diane Sawyer, who proclaimed Castro to be a "dashing revolutionary", or Harry Belafonte, who praised the work of Soviet-American spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg at a Castro rally in 2000. . .um, how do I put this gently. . .ever considered moving to Cuba? I hear it's a great place to live.

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