Coming To A Town Near You. . .
The headline says it all:
Every adult in Britain should be forced to carry 'carbon ration cards', says MP's
Should the government really be forcing quack science and cloudy scientific theory on the masses? Welcome to the new religion,where God is MONEY.The nutjob in the photo above thinks the Brits should be issued 'carbon ration cards' for purchases related to carbon emissions, (i.e. gasoline, airline travel, electricity) and should a person use up their alloted credits they can then barter with another person for their credits.
Is anyone besides me getting sickening chills with the Orwellian feel of this proposed mandate?
There is simply no doubt that modern human consumption on this planet is not good for our environment, however I don't need a government telling me how much gasoline I need to use or how many miles I can fly.
The best efforts to correct our 'carbon emission problem' should be left to market forces, as eventually the market will produce, cheaply and efficiently, alternatives to hydrocarbon based fuel systems. Maybe not today, certainly not tomorrow, but eventually it will happen. And furthermore, if this means less money falls into the hands of scam artists like Al Gore and his carbon credit pyramid scheme, them I'm all for that.
Does anyone remember the final scene from Back To The Future when Professor Brown tosses a banana peel and a leaking beer can into the Cuisinart flux capacitor? That is the solution. Figure out how to use our garbage to fuel our cars and we have won the battle.
UPDATE: Add to that the GARBAGE POLICE and you have a great society in Britain.
Complete insanity.
Greasywrench thinks and says to himself (in a German/Nazi accent) Your papaz ahh not in ordaah
Some scary shit there Toast. I'm worried it's going to be coming to a country near us soon.
Mein lieben!