"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Never Forget. . .

Nils sent this picture of my old friend Melvin. For those of you who have never met Melvin, you can look here, here and here.

Melvin came to us looking for a job. He spent the first few months working as our jardinero (gardener) and approached me one day with the will and desire to make a better man of himself. He simply wanted to work in the restaurant knowing he could make more money to provide for his family. He knew some English words, but didn't speak English, yet his will to learn was enough for us to give him a shot. He turned out to be the best damn 2nd waiter/barback/bartender we ever had.

The man could literally hear a client's car trundling down the road and would have their favorite beverage of choice sitting at the bar before they could top the stairs. His powers of anticipation were superior to mine, and I'm damn good at it. Servicio supremo!

Melvin has been gone now for over two years. I guess his wife is getting along ok raising their kids. I haven't heard from her in a long time.

Melvin, we all miss you amigo. En paz descanse.

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