Spank You Very Much. . .
We received this catalog of glovery a few days ago and as everyone knows, we construction types need a good pair of gloves almost daily. Catalogs like this are a must to keep on the cutting edge of hand protection. Yet, when I look at the images below, I hear in the back of my mind the Sesame Street ditty about which object does not belong.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing offensive about a great cowgirl rear-end, but I'm not quite sure what the implication is here. Are they implying that their gloves fit like a, well, like a glove? Or are they as durable as a great pair of denim jeans? Or are the gloves as tough as cowgirl ass? Could some one help me out with the connection here?
I am stimulated and confused all in the same.
And I haven't felt this way since I was groped by a 50 year old woman at my uncle's wedding 20+ years ago.