"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Faded Away. . .

Hey everyone.

I've gotten a few complaints that I haven't been doing a lot of posting lately and for that I say, "Hey, suck my balls."

No seriously, I'm sorry. I've been pretty busy lately and my energies are directed in so many directions with employees, problem solving on the different and various construction projects that I am involved in (and there are many) and not to mention some personal stuff that's been taking up my ever-dwindling time.

It nice also to take a little time away from the blog for some fresh perspective, but I realize that many of you come here to support me or maybe for a laugh or a perspective that maybe you never considered before. Never expecting anything, but always disappointed when there is nothing new. I'm sure some of you come here for the glib entertainment gained by reading one of my vulgarious posts concerning some important topic. Hey, I think I just made up a new word. Vulgarious. I'll be pissed if I find out that's a real word and I didn't invent it.

Anyway, a lot of you come here because you know me as a friend and I am happy to share that there are also a handful repeat strangers who pop in occasionally from around the US and the world for whatever odd reason. Either way, I am grateful for your patronage and I appreciate your support, because without you, there would be no you. And without me, there'd be no me. So, we're even.

Now, go back to surfing for porn and bidding for paper mache dildos on EBay. You naughty, naughty Germans!!

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