"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Monday Morning Good News. . .

. . .for a change.

I saw Brian from Ubon's BBQ cooking team this weekend. I stopped by his house with Beatrice on Friday night to have a bite to eat, chit-chat and to catch a glimpse at a hog he was cooking for his son's fraternity. I've been sworn to secrecy over what I saw and a chef's word is his word, so don't be coming to me mining for answers!

Brian told me that he and his compatroits with Ubon's have been invited to the Jack Daniel's 20th Annual Barbecue Invitational!!!! You might be saying, yeah so what, it's just another BBQ contest. Possibly. Until you recognize that this in an INVITATION ONLY event, so just over 60 teams from across the world will compete. And they are ALL winners.

Good luck Brian, Leslie, Gary and everyone else on the team! I have plenty of faith that y'all will bring home a trophy to a proud consti. . .constiuenc. . .to the people who love you most!!

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