To Those So Concerned. . .
As I've floated on the great rivers of the intertubersnet the last couple of days, I've come across many articles from far-left websites that pose a litany of ridiculous excuses for the recent activities of the Somalian "Coast Guard" or as I like to call them: goat-humping turds in wooden boats.
Now, let's start at the beginning of time. Somalia is a hell-hole and pretty much has been with the exception of the relative calm of the colonial period. Once the colonialists were voted out, guess what? Hell-hole times two. Heads of state assassinated. Political upheaval. Coup d-etats. War on Ethiopia. Civil war. And it continues to this day.
Somalia has always been a clan-based society with no national identity. Allegiances are rarely offered outside of a particular clan, and one clan might team up from time to time with another to settle a dispute, but in a convoluted and constricted situation such as this, the solution to the troubles of Somalia may be far too complex to decipher.
This is primarily a societal and cultural issue complicated by a very weak central government. Add to that several centuries of fanatical and devout Islam worshipping and the multiple problems of Somalia become magnified ten fold.
To bring Somalia into the 21st century, hell, even the 19th century, is a daunting task and will probably require the use of heavy military force, strong political will and a major shift away from a clan dominated political system (or what's left of it). Alongside these efforts is the key formulation of a new Somalian national identity that turns focus on the goodness and contributions of the fair Somali people, the poor downtrodden who get caught in the violent middle of these power struggles.