Frank/Turner Family Update. . .
Unfortunately, from my limited resources I am not hearing very much about the progress of finding Albert Turner. The police are still looking obviously, but as each day passes the odds of capturing him slip a little more.
A couple of weeks ago, America's Most Wanted featured a small segment about the murders of Betty Jo Frank and Keitha Frank Turner. Those of us in the Jackson metro area did not get to see it because of all times and of all stations to go out, it couldn't have been more perfectly timed. Fox40 lost signal just before the end of the first half hour of the show. Talk about frustrating!
Apparently, AMW is going to show another segment about the murders and the latest on the whereabouts of Albert Turner. Please tune in tomorrow night to watch.
Also, don't forget that you can donate to the Turner Children's Educational Fund at this link. And keep praying for Darren and Gamila Frank and the unexpected and unfolding burden of raising an army of children.
They'll catch him sooner or later. Hopefully it will be in a shootout that'll save the family and Texas the added trauma/cost of a trial and execution. Good riddance.