"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

The Midnight Garden. . .

There hasn't been a whole lotta sunshine in my life lately, but the garden still offers it's quiet sanctuary where I can escape from the ghosts which haunt me.

I picked the first of what appears to be THOUSANDS of Cherry 100 tomatoes and they are just as sweet as they look right off the vine.  Bug poo and dirt included.. . .

From the photo below, it won't be long before I am inundated with cherry toms. . .but really, am I complaining?  Just means more cucumber and tomato salad this summer and now that I have three kinds of basil out on the porch, including a spicy purple variety, the salad will be a delightful and fresh way to beat the summer heat.

Here are the larger Celebrity variety that appear to be maturing nicely with no sign of blossom end rot which is the bane of the Southern gardener due to our clayey soils, but this year I see no signs of calcium deficiency.  So. . .yay!

Also, my sweet bell pepper plants are doing quite well as I have struggled with them for four years.  The lack of production and small, irregular sizes of the peppers have been a huge disappointment over the years, but it seems I have the soil conditions just right for good fruit.  Also, I hope to get some pickings before the real summer heat sets in.  All peppers I have ever planted produced more and appeared healthier either early in the season or once the heat has passed in September.

The okra is coming along nicely less than 6 weeks after planting.  I think the soil has never been better for gardening.  Lime, lime and more lime.  And lots of cow poo.

And finally, besides tomatoes, my next favorite garden vegetable, well legume actually, purple hull peas!  Remember what they looked like about a month ago?  Well, TA DA!!

If the insanely large elephant ear on the other side of the house doesn't eat us this year, this out of control goodness probably will, unless we eat it first, of course.

All I need now is my favorite cornbread recipe and the maker who makes it.  Where is my favorite cornbread maker anyway?

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