"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

The Colts. . .

seem to have redeemed themselves last night in a decisive victory over a hardcore criminal gang otherwise known as the Cincinnati Bengals. I guess I can take my head out of the sand after the pathetic losses by the Saints and Giants over the weekend. My football prediction is that there will be more games and some teams will win, some teams will lose. By the way, did anyone notice what song ESPN was playing during the lead-in/outs? Yes folks, believe it or not, "Fly By Night" by Rush. Rock on ESPN!

Speaking of psychic stuff. . .

I get up at 4 o'clock in the morning for work and invariably I end up listening to A.M. Coast to Coast with George Noory while driving to work. Now, for me, it's kinda like an accident scene, you don't want to see carnage, blood and guts, but deep down you really do. It's the same for me with this radio show. . .I simply can't help but listen. Some of the topics are plausible, while others are quite the stretch, but what I have the hardest time with are the callers.

Some cat out west called in the other day claiming that he was a human/alien hybrid. This was the discussion for the hour. And so, George was leading him around with questions trying to discern what kind of alien this guy was and what exactly led him to believe that. The simplified answer was, "because sometimes my eyes change color."

Well good grief man! Do your eyes glow fluorescent orange? Do lasers shoot out from them? Nah, they simply turn from green to blue he claimed. Heavens! I better have myself checked out too! If that's all there is to being an alien I am in big trouble.

I guess the hardest thing to digest is how ol' George can sit there and at a minimum, sound as if he believes this stuff. He himself must be an alien, with incredible powers of self-control that no mere mortal can attain. If it were me, I'd still be in a rubber room in a jacket that zips up the back. . .laughing.

And laughing.

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