"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

All I want for Christmas. . .

Since no one in my family can afford to shop for me, my good taste and all, this year I have purchased a new guitar amplifier. I have settled on the Line 6 Spider II 212 Combo amp. It is an extremely affordable modeling amplifier, which I have never used before, but I am excited nonetheless. What I truly enjoy about guitar amplifiers is volume and this little bugger has got it. 150 watts of power driven through 2-12" Custom Celestion speakers and several built in "modeling" modes to emulate the blues, crunch, twang, etc. I can hardly wait.

I have an old Marshall VS265R amplifier that I am anxious to compare. This amplifier is also very loud (just ask Nils) with equivalent specifications and can make your ears bleed from a thousand yards.

Open letter to my neighbors:

Dear Sir/Madam(s),

It is in your best interest to move away directly. One of my favorite bands is Tool and I know how to play one song, over and over and over again. You have been warned. If the sound of a .357 magnum at daybreak isn't enough, my subtle guitar skills are even more deadly.

Burning Toast Inc.

Rock and Roll!!!!!

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