"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

To Susan. . .

Dear Susan,

My name is Brett and I am writing to you from my home state of Mississippi. I have just read an update of your condition on Michelle Malkin’s website and having not known your individual story beforehand it just brought tears to my eyes.

I find it to be completely incomprehensible that Omeed Popal nor his family want to take any responsibility for the acts that he committed. And the fact that he plead not guilty just burns me up inside. However, in my 36 years of living, I’ve learned a thing or two, been taught a thing or three, and the most important facet of living, to me anyway, is the ability to maintain a positive attitude. That terrible little voice that lives in all of us speaks with a deadly venom that no one is immune to. Once, in a rare moment of clarity, I wrote in my personal journal that, “The only person you can trust is yourself and even that comes with risk.” It is difficult to overcome that miserable little voice and very easy to underestimate the power of our inner person. Do not become your own worst enemy.

I read the miniature biography that your father posted on your website and it seems that we have a bit in common. I too have spent time schlepping around the Third World, trying to find the inner me, looking for the next great life experience. I lived in Costa Rica for a number of years and I’m sure we could share numerous funny stories of our experiences, people that we met, places we saw in a common thread of jovial hilarity. I miss those days as I’m sure you do as well. But just think of how those things changed you as a person, opened your life to all things possible and honed your beliefs into what makes you who you are today. A simple quote from a favorite song of mine, “Although it’s just a memory, some memories last forever.” Never forget your experiences and be grateful that you had the opportunity to travel like that. Many people will never have those opportunities and a lot of people don’t want them.

I remember the day I phoned my dad to tell him I was moving to Costa Rica to cook. His reply was a very long, drawn-out “ok.” And then his next question was, ‘why?” Then answer of course being, “Well, why not?” It was just that simple. Living here in Mississippi, I’ve seen and known many people who have never left the state, much less the country. We are the “black sheep” compared to them and for what’s it worth I think the blacker, the better.

With all of that being said, I wish the best for you. I’m not a very religious person, but I’ll keep you in my heart and mind wishing you the very best that your life can offer. Remain positive and for those days when that little voice is getting the better of you, scream inside or out, “SHUT UP!”

Next week, when we return to work I will send a little money to your trust and I will also post your website on my blog at www.spectacular-toast.blogspot.com. I also intend on sending a little gift for you, something to brighten your days and dim the ill memories. Take very good care Susan.



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