"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Lost and found and losers. . .

It's all in the details folks.

A young man caught a flight from Germany to Sydney, Australia hoping to catch up with his girlfriend. Arriving in Sydney, Montana the young "reisender" realized his mistake and spent three days in the airport waiting for money from family and friends to make his ultimate destination. Be sure to double-check those airport codes on your tickets.

If you are a criminal involved in a carjacking followed by a police chase and then you get lost, what do you do? Well, you call the cops! Any moron knows that!

Our favorite "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan got arrested again. Aren't there laws about repeat offenders? Three strikes you're out? Three strikes you're a dipshit?

Are you ready to rumble??? Fat, loudmouth Rosie is at it again, taking on The Don with a beautiful poem written in rhombastic penetrometer.

And tragic news out of Key West. Two guests and several workers were overaken by noxious fumes at the Doubletree Grand Resort. One guest is dead and the hotel is closed until further notice. Maybe those carbon monoxide detectors aren't such a bad idea.

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