"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Dear Charles Rangel. . .

I am reprinting a letter to the editor of my hometown paper, The Clarion-Ledger, in which a constituent of Rep. Rangel apologizes for Rangel's idiocy.

My Apologies for U.S. Rep. Rangel

I live at the same residence as Charles Rangel here in the 15th District, Harlem, New York City ("Rangel's remark deeply offensive," Nov. 13 letter).

Rangel has no shortage of failures within his own district where black male unemployment is 55-plus percent and children suffer from the diseases of asthma at an epidemic rate and crisis level. These people and a lot more citizens of Rangel's problem-plagued district would love to live in Mississippi.

My family originates from Bay St. Louis. My mother, Cheryl Phillips, lived in Waveland until Katrina destroyed everything she owned, leaving her nothing more than a concrete slab. She now has a FEMA trailer but her spirits are bright, she's looking forward, and she loves living in Mississippi.

My mother can live here in the 15th District of New York City with me. She likes visiting, however, and chooses to live in a FEMA trailer, volunteering and helping rebuild the community. That's character that Rangel knows nothing of.

I've addressed a small example of Rangel's failures as a Web site I created called www.CharlesRangel.com.

If it counts for anything, I ask Mississippians to please accept my apology for my repugnant congressman.

Lance A. Smith
New York City, N.Y.

Amen, Mr Smith. Do yourself a favor and visit Lance's website.

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