"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Bye Bye Mom And Dad and Penis. . .

The Kalifornia legislature has passed a bill establishing new definitions for 'sex' and possibly threatening references to 'mom' and dad'.

In a move with national implications, California's state Senate passed a bill today that establishes a new definition for "sex," threatens references to "mom" and "dad" and could restrict the presentation of scientific evidence to students.

The plan, SB 777, which actually would turn the state into a promoter for the homosexual lifestyle, is much like a bill approved by lawmakers last year but vetoed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who said adequate legal protections against discrimination already existed.

The new measure passed on a 23-13 vote.

The newest legislation, sponsored by state Sen. Sheila James Kuehl, D-Santa Monica, a lesbian, would ban textbooks, references, teaching aids, activities, events, discussions, posters, announcements, workbooks and anything else within the public school system from anything that "reflects or promotes bias against" homosexuality, transgenders, bisexuals or those with "perceived" gender issues.

"SB 777 is designed to transform our public schools into institutions that disregard all notions of the traditional family unit," said Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute. "This reverse discrimination is an outright attack on the religious and moral beliefs of California citizens."

References to a "mother" and "father" in any school text appear to be threatened, because they could be interpreted as "reflecting" a bias against the "Partner 1" and "Partner 2" of same-sex lifestyles.

A male who believes he really is female would be allowed into the women's restroom, and a woman believing herself a male would be allowed into a men's room.

What kind of sick turds are these people?

It's one thing to promote equality, sensitivity and acceptance, but really folks, gender-neutral Prom Kings and Queens? WTF? Just exactly how many people with gender crises are there in America? Do they really need a special law to protect them?

And let me tell you something, called me bigoted, small-minded or a redneck, but I'd be a little more than upset if I was taking a whizz in the john and some gender-confused woman parked it in the urinal next to me, whipped out what she ain't got but wished she did and began urinating.

Men, I suggest we all lop off the ol' jolly roger and get in line with the rest of the New Neutered America.

Please God, get me off this ride.

Anonymous –   – (Friday, May 25, 2007 at 12:53:00 PM CST)  

some say...the end is near or maybe your end is rear

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