"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Hero. . .Idiot. . .Hero!!!

From 75 miles east of Darwin (ironically), Australia comes this story courtesy of the Times Online:

To have your arm crushed between the powerful jaws of one of nature’s most ferocious reptiles is one thing: then to be shot at the same time really is a bad day at the office.

But shots from a quick-thinking colleague probably saved the life of an Australian crocodile farm worker who was attacked by an angry female protecting her nest.

Jason Green, aged about 30, is recuperating in hospital after surgery for twin wounds from man and beast while his colleague, Zac Fitzgerald, 27, is being hailed a hero after the incident about 120km (75 miles) east of the northern Australian city of Darwin.

The men were collecting eggs from a grassy mound in a river late in the afternoon and had almost finished emptying a nest when the mother, estimated at 3m in length, returned in fury and lept out of the water.

Mr Fitzgerald shot at the saltwater crocodile, which promptly let go, but a second shot hit Mr Green in the same, right arm.

Jeez, and to think I thunk I had a bad day or two lately. Oh, and the gun of choice for the Aussie??

The .357 Magnum.

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