This moron, who I was behind at the burger joint, thought her big, fat, greasy ass was being clever as she patiently waited for the drive-in window attendant to look away so she could slyly drop a handful of trash out of her window, but little did she know. . .that sitting behind her with his brand new camera, was me. Although I didn't catch you in the act Queen LaTrashita, I did manage to photograph your license plate for the whole world to see. And I hope that all who see you realize that you are a worthless, derelict piece of crap who is instilling in your or someone's child in the back seat, the absolute lowest in human morality and values.
It's bad enough that Jackson is as dirty and broken as it is and it's people like you with no respect for anything (not to mention yourself) that make it such a "great place to live". Fuck you asshole.
Meet the newest Jackson Idiot of the Week.