"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Who's On First?

I guess I jumped the gun.

Judging by the size of this tomato I am convinced that IT is actually the first of the year. After the hard freeze we had a couple of weeks ago, I had to prune many of the tops of the tomato plants back, which has yielded a bushier plant. This little beggar and his cohort were hidng deep beneath the foliage and belong the the variety "Better Boy".

Better Boy tomatoes are usually heavy producers of medium sized, fine, flavorful, fleshy fruits. Hey, an alliteration! Eat your heart out Shakespeare.

I can't wait. I'm really tired of off-season hothouse tomatoes and those things they claim to be tomatoes, but are actually yellow-orange, bitter, juiceless, mealy fruits from places like Peru and California. Sorry Greasy, no offense to your lovely state.

Below is a photo of some flowers in the garden. I can't remember what they're called. I think you can eat them. Who gives a shit. Where are the tomatoes???

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 10:48:00 PM CST)  

No offense taken toast. I hear the tomatoes grown here for market are tasteless and lousy from everyone. I don't usually eat tomatoes anyway so I can't really say. The only way I usually eat tomatoes is chopped up in salads and on burgers. I wouldn't know a good tom from a bad one but I have heard most market tomatoes aren't vine ripened so they aren't what they should be.

Last year my buddy and I grew Early Girl tomatoes and everyone said they were good. The few dozen cherry tomatoes I've harvested from my balcony have been a big hit with my friend Kevin. I just don't care for toms so I'll have to take his word.

I'll tell you what I can't stand to eat anymore though. The melons they sell here are horrible. Especially the Honeydew and Cantelopes. I haven't had a sweet one in years. I hope the farmers in Miss are better than the ones here. I gave up on mellons years ago. Same for strawberries. If you got to add a shitload of sugar to a strawberry it's not right or ripe. You can still buy some nice produce from the truck stands if you know which ones to shop. It's getting harder to find good one's though anymore.

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