"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

The Reason. . .

"We don't do fear. Over the last 105 years in the saddle, we've seen wars, conflicts, depression, recession, resistance and revolutions. We've watched a thousand hand-wringing pundits disappear in our rear-view mirror. But every time, this country has come out stronger than before. Because chrome and asphalt put distance between you and whatever the world can throw at you. Freedom and wind outlast hard times. And the rumble of an engine drowns out all the spin on the evening news. If 105 years have proved one thing, it's that fear sucks and it doesn't last long. So screw it, let's ride."

Copyright Harley Davidson

Anonymous –   – (Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 1:17:00 PM CST)  

Thanks for posting that!!

I'm off to go drink some ass-pocket whiskey and blast my A.K.


Burnt Toast  – (Friday, May 30, 2008 at 11:14:00 AM CST)  

Ass-pocket whiskey? Is that anything like Jenkem or Butt Hash?

Anonymous –   – (Friday, May 30, 2008 at 11:43:00 AM CST)  

no, nothing of the sort, rather a variety of cheap booze that you can stash in your ass pocket. btw... it is time you introduced cacique. i broke out the remainders of the bottle left over from the cmx burn the shop down party. it went well...so well that i decided to start my weekend now....because now is when i have awaken from a guaro and so-co induced coma. and for a little side-note last nite was the 1st time magnulf sang karaoke. consequently, it was also the first time he got thrown off a stage. what else could you expect when you have a goat bearded freak singin G. michael's don't let the sun go down on me with RPB (look up Ronnie B. at bombshell tatoo)...good x's

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