Thank God For Tuesday. . .
>> Tuesday, June 24, 2008 –
fucking mondays,
Ow, my leg hurts.
Ow, my back hurts.
Ow, my shoulder hurts.
Ow, I have to go the the dentist.
Ow, my baby is sick.
Ow, what is the worker's comp. claim number?
Ow, how come I don't have any vacation days left?
Ow, why is my house foundation settling?
Ow, it's gonna cost what?
Ow, that's too much.
Ow, the fax machine doesn't work.
Ow, I mailed time sensitive materials to you through the regular mail and it took 4 days to get there.
Ow, I work for a government entity that builds your roads and bridges, we lost your paperwork from 5 years ago.
Ow, can you send it again?
Ow, the equipment is broken.
My Monday in a nutshell.
How was yours?
sounds like you needed MAJOR cocktails after that day--------that's what today was for me - i'm headed to the happy hour right now!
Yeah, I had a few drinks last night too. I was so steamed on Monday, I just went straight home and got in bed and sulked myself to sleep. F'n Mondays!!! Hate 'em!