"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Ahh, Quiet Time. . .

This is the time of the morning I like most. It's quiet. No phone ringing. No compression machine in the back crunching concrete cylinders, no giant soil grinder reverberating from outside, no dumb questions, no messages, no worries.

The remainder of society is trying to wake up, to get moving. Me? I've been up for two and a half hours already. I fed the dog, petted the cat, took out the garbage, purchased some gas. . .my world is moving. Everyone else is asleep.

I could sit here for hours quietly doodling away or silently contemplating the worlds ills, however it's just a matter of time before the phone begins bleeping. Sometimes, I just wish one of my secretaries, instead of speaking through the intercom in a polite style, "Burnt Toast, Line 1", I wish, I wish one of them would just break down and hysterically scream, "Answer the goddamn phone you fucking moron!"

I dunno, it'd be a nice change from the norm.

I like change. Not the Barack Obama kind of change that really isn't change at all, just words. Anyway, change. Like packing up and moving somewhere new. A foreign land perhaps. I miss the adventure of years past. Today's change is whether or not I'm going to have coffee in the morning.

Today, it's coffee.

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