"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Oh Barack. . .

Are these the politics of change you've so eloquently defined in your rambling, vacuous speeches about nothing?

First you slam her, then you praise her.

Sounds like the same ol' status quo to me. How does that foot taste, loser?

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 10:58:00 AM CST)  

Now B.O. is gonna get a taste of his own medicine. By insinuating (through proxies) those who disagree with him are rascists he's left himself vulnerable to the same tactics.

Republican hardballers are gonna play the Gender card now when Obambi's henchmen start slinging mud against Palin. I can't remember when I had so much fun during a Presidential election season. This is gonna get very interesting in the next two months.

I don't know if you've heard this one Toast, but there's a rumor going around and being discussed on the far-left blogs that Palin's newborn Son is actually her Daughter's child.

It's incredible that these idiots think Palin would try and fake something like a chilbirth. Yet they are actually giving it creedence. They're hopeless.

Burnt Toast  – (Monday, September 1, 2008 at 3:43:00 PM CST)  

All the left-wing, Democrat, braindead, fruitcakes have sucked off the Kool-Aid nipple of "hope and change" for far too long. They can't even see how divisive they are as a party and as a belief system.

They are the real racists, misogynists, elitists and haters.

By far this is the most intriguing race for President ever and I suspect that it's only going to get better. Obama better open wide for all the feet he'll be sucking with dumbass, off-teleprompter statements he'll make between now and November.

I'll give the guy one thing, he reads a speech pretty fucking good. Beyond that he is a veritable Oort cloud of empty, gaseous and meaningless rhetoric.

And by the way, has he ever mentioned how he's going to pay for socialized health care for everyone? Now that he's on the lowering taxes bandwagon, I'm curious to know where he'll get the money.

Oh, did I mention that he's a patent liar also?

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