"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

The Light Is Getting Brighter. . .

I'm getting the feeling that Americans are beginning to wake up to Barack Obama's ultra-left/socialist leanings because audio such as this keeps cropping up.

And even if you don't care about it, then how about some naked pictures of Obama's mama?

Are the photos real? Is it really her? Who knows. You be the judge.

My response is "yeeeessshh."

Anonymous –   – (Friday, October 24, 2008 at 9:49:00 AM CST)  

obvious hatchet edit job-- weak attempt to start a controversy. so ignorant, doesn't even understand the arguments that are included in the edited version that actually counters claims that this is racist against white people.

he argues for common ground between whites and black in the full clip; specifically, how the fate of the white person living in the suburbs is tied to the fate of the black kid in an underperforming urban school district.

and he says essentially that turmoil on africa CANNOT be blamed on white people, i.e., colonialism, and is instead a result of ethnic conflict, i.e., black on black repression, like that in bosnia and in gang-torn los angeles, i.e, black on black and brown on brown violence.

but, if the editing style is any indication, intellectual honesty is clearly not a priority for the manufacturers of this desperate, faux controversy.

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