"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Bill Clinton, Part Douche. . .

Worms. See the wiggle.

With King/God Barack Obama's "coronation" just around the corner, we had a nice breath of fresh air drawn in by virtue of a slight turning of the media and the Democrat party away from Obama and his indicated domestic policy initiatives.

Obama has demostrated that he is first, of all things, a lawyer and not to forget, a gloried community organzer. And secondly, he is not God, Baby Jesus nor an economist. He is also, of the least things he needs to be, like Bill Clinton, the vagina-enhanced-cigar smoking cad of years past. Clinton and his mafia in the White House couldn't wipe their own asses without running a poll first. And apparently, Obama will be no different.

Obama: I don't know what to do??

Axelrod: (dabbing Obama's sweaty brow with a tissue) Don't worry, your emminence, we'll run a poll, the American people understand complex economic theorems and they will supply us with the answer!

Obama: (relieved) Whew! That was a close one! Want a bite of my organic arugula salad?

It was about 53% of our brain damaged electorate that chose this do-do brain to begin with and now Obama and Axelrod are going to let them formulate complex economic policy? Freidman must be rolling over in his grave.

And today, Michelle Malkin has a great article about Obama's backtracking on his early campaign promise to his rabid devotees concerning the closing Guantanamo Bay within 100 days of taking office. Hmmm, guess the hard exlir of reality is finally beginning to set in with the all-seeing, all-knowing Obama and his robots.

Fickle? Or realizing that being president isn't as easy as agitating for change as a community organizer.

I guess this is some ChangePoll we can Believe in.

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