An Important Links List. . .
>> Thursday, September 17, 2009 –
banned forever,
el campeador,
little green footballs
. . .for El Campeador. The latest, and I do say greatest, banned person from the liberal internet sinkhole known as Little Green Footballs.
El Cid, you should check these out, if you haven't already.
LGF Banned List (yes, you and I both are on it)
New Anti-LGF logos 'n stuff
Where I saw all of this first, at LGF's favorite target, The Other McCain.
Yeah so, I got kicked off because I made fun of LGF's repeated posts on Vlaams Belang, like who gives a fuck about them, it's in Belgium. As long as it doesn't interrupt the free flow of Belgian fries, who gives a french fried, trussed and mushroom stuffed turkey?
Sorry Charlie. Ya weinerschnitzel!
To Damn Funny, BT.
Charles is a gnat on an elephants ass, in the realm of things.
Terrific free advertizing for my place, but he and his cult did get on my nerves.
Several surprises, the one stand out, Iowahawk.