"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Don't Know About You. . .

. . .but I am dead sick and tried of these better-than-thou, my-shit-don't-stink types who clog the halls of our great political institutions. Namely, dain-bramaged fools like Mrs. Boxer from California. I think Greasywrench likes to call her "Babs." I like to call her clueless and it will be one cold day in hell that I will ever refer to her as Senator. We are remember that little episode, don't we? I think she should rename herself as Babs Blockhead.

Anyway, yesterday she tried deflecting the fallout over the Climategate scandal from the true perpetrators of crime, which are the lying scientists whose faulty data was being used as the gunpowder to explode our tax rates into the mesosphere, and turned the focus of the blame on the hackers who outed the damning emails as she ignored the real meat of the circumstances.

I think this comment at the Breitbart video article sums it up nicely:

E-Mail-Theft-Gate? What are you, retarded? Are you a flat-earther? So you want to force these modern Galileos to recant and kiss the ring of these global warming frauds? You’re like a dog staring at the pointing finger rather than the object. YES, a crime HAS been committed- and it has cost us TRILLIONS of dollars and you want it to continue because CA will get more funding, right? Well, I live in CA and I don’t want your ill-gotten gains or your stupid cover-ups. Do your job and reveal the truth or you’ll be an accessory after the fact. - Brensus

All I can say is woof-woof!

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 11:55:00 AM CST)  

Toast - her stupidity knows no limits. There are very few votes I've ever cast I wish I could take back but she's at the top of a very short list. Yes... to my great embarrasment as a young (and stupid) Dem I voted for her, Clinton, and Feinstein. I've matured since then and I no longer vote Donkey.

The sorry thing is, being from Kalifornia, she is from such a safe State she'll have to die or retire to lose her seat in the Senate. That's the tragedy.

Maybe it's time to bring back some sort of literacy test when it comes to voting. This time they might get it right.

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