"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Shakin' It Off Boss. . .

I couldn't decide how to lead into this one so I'll just say. . .hoooooray!

Finally a judge "does the right thing" by putting Paris Hilton in jail. 45 days, no electronic monitoring, no work furloughs, no nada, just the slammer.

And miraculously. . .

the world continues to go around.

And also, since when did her "job" description become heiress/handbag designer?

Handbag designer?

Really people, are we supposed to believe that garbage? Does anyone think this doofus sits at a drafting table all day coming up with new and trendy designs? It's probably more like this:

*phone ringing*

Nords Verglanjorb (World Famous Handbag Desinger): Yah?

Paris: Nords, I think polka dots are sooooooo kewl? Don't you?

Nords: Well, er. . .

Paris: Pink and purples ones, but not too pink and purple. Kinda like the dress that fat bitch Lindsay Lohan was wearing the other night at [fill in the blank with nightclub of choice]. What a skank!

Nords: Well, I really didn't see the. . .

Paris: And the purple should be like the carpet burns I saw on Nicole Richie's skinny anorexic ass the other day. What a ho!

Nords: (thinking) Note to self: Tomorrow, 8:00 a.m. coffee with Bjoors, 8:30 a.m., suicide.

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