Heavy Flow. . .
"Oh you Mississippi River, with waters so deep and wide
My thoughts of you keep risin', just like an evening tide
I'm just like a seagull that's left the sea
Oh your muddy waters keep on callin' me"
Mississippi River Blues
by Hank Snow
Here is the river at Vicksburg as it stood this afternoon. As I'm sure you know it's been flooding to the north and all that damn water has to go somewhere. The flood stage at Vicksburg is 43 feet and they expect the river to crest above that level. You never think about it much, but when the Mississippi gets to a certain level it can constrict the outflow of some of it's tributaries, such as the Yazoo River and the Big Black River. Some are predicting potentially large crop losses due to the rapid rise of the water.
Notice the wake at the base of the bridge columns. That water is really boogieing.
Obviously, this is all a result of Al Gore's Global Warmi, er uh, Climate Chan. . .uuhh, the "I don't know what to call it anymore because the Earth has actually cooled and it snowed in Iraq and the polar bears are doing ok and the ice is thicker than ever in Antarctica and it snowed in Mississippi twice this year and the only thing bigger than my carbon footprint is my ass and I look like a fool now."
Call it what is is Al: The Royal Scam.