Welcome To Mississippi. . .
>> Monday, March 24, 2008 –
port gibson,
stupid roadsign,
too beautiful to burn
I spotted this sign just south of Port Gibson today. . .and well, shit c'mon Mississippi!?? WTF?
This is just a humiliating disgrace. This far outdoes the sign I saw in New Orleans a few years ago that said something like, "Don't know who's your baby daddy? Call 1-800-DNA-TEST".
Just a point of fact, when General Ulysses S. Grant approached Port Gibson from the south during his campaign of burning down each city on his way to Vicksburg, he proclaimed that Port Gibson was "too beautiful to burn." And it is.
Here are a few more facts about Mississippi that are far more praiseworthy than that craphole sign above. I'm sure some will surprise you.