"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

What Else. . .

can white people NOT do? I mean, we are already blamed for most of the world's ills, even some that no longer exist nor were our current generations involved in. Obviously, we're all racists and bigots. And since we are such a lowly, despicable group, there is one more thing that we can't do. . .we certainly can't imitate black people in comedy.

Read this gem by the Washington Post about Fred Armisen, who just happens to be white, and his potrayal of Barack Obama on Saturday Night Live.

A few select quotes from the article:

"[Lorne] Michaels said that the show auditioned "four to five" actors for the Obama role, including Thompson. And the winner, he says, was based on merit. "When it came down to it, I went with the person with the cleanest comedy 'take' on" Obama, Michaels said."
So what's wrong with selecting the best actor for a skit? Or does affirmitive action apply here too? Naturally, there is a sinister pattern of exclusion on SNL:
"The Obama portrayal has given critics a chance to make a second claim about "SNL": that it under-employs African American performers. When it began looking for someone to play Obama, the show had few alternatives. This season, "SNL" has only one black cast member, Kenan Thompson, who bears little resemblance to the tall, lanky senator. A biracial "SNL" veteran, Maya Rudolph, has not returned to the show since the strike began Nov. 5."
Man, this just reeks of hypocrisy! How many delightful comedic stars, who just happen to be black, have come through the ranks of SNL? Tim Meadows, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock. Any bells ringing?

And this:
Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune put the question bluntly: "Call me crazy, but shouldn't 'Saturday Night Live's' fictional Sen. Barack Obama be played by an African-American?" Ryan went on to conclude: "I find 'SNL's' choice inexplicable. Obama's candidacy gives us solid proof of the progress that African-Americans have made in this country. I guess 'SNL' still has further to go on that front."
This has nothing to do with the progress of blacks in America. It has to do with COMEDY. And if the white guy did the best impression, then so be it. Sometimes people get rewarded for their performance, but we've lost sight of that in our 'entitlement' society.

So, what the hell is going to happen when Obama gets elected and political cartoonists start ripping him to shreds in the newspaper? Are cartoonists who happen to be black going to be the only ones who are allowed to draw a caricature of Barack? What if a cartoonist who happens to be white draws a cartoon depicting Obama with certain physical characteristics of some blacks like "nappy" hair or big lips? Is this something we can't do either because we don't "identify" with the culture of blacks?

You know what I don't identify with? Hypocrisy!

What about the movie White Chicks in which two stars, who just happen to be black, dress up as white girls and proceed to act ignorantly in stereotypical white fashion. Any outrage from Americans who just happen to be white? No. What if the producers of White Men Can't Jump made a movie called Black Men Can't Use A Condom? Do you think Americans who just happen to be black would be enraged?

On a related note, it's bad enough we have people talking about reviving the Fairness Doctrine because they feel talk radio is imbalanced toward conservatism in America and what they fail to realize it that the market is rewarding performance. Just as Mr. Armisen was rewarded for his "take" on Barack Obama.

To further drive home the hypocrisy against whites in America, I saw a gentleman, who happens to be black, on C-Span this weekend talking about Oneissimus. Oneissimus was a slave that is credited with providing the first effective smallpox antidote and as this speaker was reading some quotations about Oneissimus's demeanor he came across a couple of unusual words that he stumbled over. The one I remember was "froward" and he sorta giggled about that and the other even more complex adjective to which he remarked, "this sounds like black people speaking English." Sadly, the crowd laughed. Had a person, who just happens to be white, said that? Heaven help us all.

For what it's worth, I feel grateful that Obama has a real chance at becoming president. Hell, maybe the guy CAN bring change. . .or maybe like the rest of them, he'll undo the previous policies and fart around for four years screwing shit up until the next dope or dopette comes alongs to sweep it all in a pile and lets the bastard child of our sins, the governement, muck it all about the house again.

Oh and one more TINY fact, Barack Obama just happens to be half-WHITE!

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