"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

The Nuevo America. . .

Here is Absolut's new ad campaign designed to stoke the the old homefires in ol' Mexico.

Original source: here and thanks to Michelle Malkin too.

Well, hhmmm. Let me breathe deeply for a moment as not to lose my temper only to veer off course into a verbal diatribe so vulgar that even long dead sailors would cringe.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Ok. So this whole reconquista thing? Bring it on Mexico! We'll be glad to beat your asses once again. And I don't mean it's people, I mean it's corrupt, elitist government that has NEVER served the interests of the Mexican population. Isn't the illegal immigration into the United States due to the quite so simple fact that if the Mexican government WORKED PROPERLY, there would be no need for her people to risk life and limb to get into the United States?

Haven't they failed in their role to provide a safe and prosperous society?

Why are we Americans branded as racists when we react to events like thousands of illegal immigrants marching in the streets of LA with upside down American flags demanding rights that they damn surely are not privileged to have? We are a nation of laws.

Let me tell you a story. . .

I can sympathize with people that want to live and work here. I worked as an "undocumented worker" in a foreign country for years. Yes. I BROKE THE LAW at the risk of going to jail and being deported. And I do not apologize for it. I risked it. And why? Well, I was looking for a better life somewhere else too.

I ran out the back door of a restaurant where I worked more than once as the immigration police descended on our little town from time to time with buses that had bars on the windows. We would watch from the safety of the bar down the street as they carted off people that we knew. We watched as people cried and screamed from the buses asking friends to retrieve papers or to call a family member for them. Some I never saw again.

Once it was over, we would be shook up for a while, we "undocumented workers." Obviously, these events would be the hot topic of discussion for the next few days always with a hard eye tuned on the main road coming into town watching for the next raid. But not once. . .never, nunca did we ever think or talk about protesting the government for OUR RIGHTS. We had no rights and we knew it. We were there working illegally. We knew it. They knew it. And THAT was THAT. I couldn't ever fathom marching on the capital with the country flag flying upside down chanting "queremos nuestros derechos!" We want our rights! Foolish. We would have been beaten to death by some very angry "locales". We knew we had no rights. There was no ACLU or La Raza to help us. We were breaking the law and were willing to pay whatever consequences there may have been. I expected no help from anyone. And if I got caught? I had three days to gather my things a leave the country voluntarily or risk prison time and then deportation. I never asked anything from that government.

Anyway, this is what pisses me off: Why is America responsible for these illegal immigrants? As I see it, the responsibility falls into the lap of the Mexican government. They've been screwing around, screwing each other and in the process, screwing themselves by not creating a vibrant and fully functional country. There is no reason other than failed leadership for the poverty and strife that is so rampant in Mexico. Canada is our neighbor too, but you don't see them scurrying across the border in the middle of the night. Why? Because their government WORKS.

You want to live in America? Why don't you try to make your own America in Mexico.

As for the Absolut ad? I find it offensive, ridiculous and unconstructive given the current plight of the Mexican people. This ad does nothing to generate a feeling of patriotism for Mexicans and Mexico, it only focuses the blame somewhere else and who better to bear the albatross of other's sins than the United States of America.

By the way, if protesting is your thing, feel free to protest to the info you find below:

Jeffrey Moran
Director of Public Relations and Events
The Absolut Spirits Company, Inc.
1370 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
Phone, direct: +1 212 641 87 20
E-mail: jeffrey.moran@absolut.com

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 9:11:00 AM CST)  

Que la chinga!

I wonder just what kind of statement Absolut was trying to make? For one, I would hazard a guess that their Vodka customers are NOT in Mexico.

I'm not gonna stereotype anyone by saying Mexicans drink Tequila but... my guess is most Mexican Nationals drink....Tequila or Mescal when they drink hard liquor at all. I may be wrong but it's just a anecdotal guess.

Not being a Vodka drinker it's no sweat of my palotas but Absolut needs to re-think that ad. It's about 160 years out of date. This isn't La Mecha or La Raza you're preaching to. Your demographic is most likely the Vodka drinkers in the U.S.

No PC  – (Sunday, April 6, 2008 at 2:07:00 PM CST)  

Actually this "Ad" does raise an interesting subject.

As I understand it, Mexican and other Spanish speaking illegal migrants now form a very large part of the south west US population.

If as is expected, the Democrats finally approve an "Amnesty", then these people will be eligible to vote etc.

Surely that raises the spectre of "Conquest by migration"?

At some point they will be the majority population group in south west US Border States and that Map on the Ad will start to look like reality.

Of course, if assimilation is rapid enough then this not a problem, but if a ghetto mentality of parallel existence (wholly Spanish speaking schools, businesses, shops and services etc) develops then separatist tendencies flourish.

In the EU its Muslims who are performing this 'separate lives' thing ... but its different groups e.g. Pakistanis in the UK, but Arabs in France, and Turks in Germany.

It starts to become an issue when they demand "Sharia" laws etc.

Same issue, different groups.

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