"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Makes Cents To Me. . .

Recently, a group calling themselves American Solutions began collecting signatures for a petition that will ask Congress to act on legislation making it easier to drill for our own oil. They currently have over 400,000 signatures.

Yesterday, JammieWearing Fool posted a video produced by American Solutions that outlines their petition.

As gas prices continue to increase, Congress continues to blame others while ignoring practical steps to stop the pain Americans are feeling at the pump. To lower gasoline prices and reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we need real solutions to our energy challenges.


If you are sick and tired of your petro dollars going into the deep pockets of Americas enemies, I suggest you sign up too! The time is now.

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