"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Feed Me. . .

As I've been cruising around the internet today, I keep running across a story that NPR ran about a "poor" Ohio family that is having to "scrimp" on food to get by in today's New World Order of high gasoline prices, food prices, etc.

I think we're all in the same boat, but when you peel away the sad, dull patina of the story, you realize it's just another example of the "welfare state" that is America gone awry.

The mother of the family in question has never held a job nor has a high school diploma and claims that an accident 17 years ago left her depressed, disabled and unable to work. Also, the family car is broken.

Are you sad yet?

The daughter, 17, at least graduated high school, but says that the local restaurants and stores aren't hiring, plus that whole broken car thing makes it very difficult to look for work.

I think I was about to cry until I took a look at the two of them.

Starving, they are not. Morbidly obese lazy people, they are.

This story struck me, not because of the social implications of a nation of lazy, government-fed losers sucking the coffers of hard-earned tax money dry, but the fact that this is the SECOND piss poor attempt by NPR to make us feel sorry for the "disadvantaged" because of the economic woes that ALL OF US are suffering.

A few weeks ago, I heard a story on NPR about the Diaz family, who also are finding it difficult to put food on the table, surviving solely on Mr. Diaz's paycheck and food stamps. The mother of four, again, does not work and feels that it is most economical to drive the filthy family van all around town from store to store trying to find the best deals for her food stamp dollar, all the while openly admitting that if she were to work, she would, at least in her own mind, not earn enough to pay for child care AND food. Apparently, Mr. Diaz's monthly income goes to a "hefty" mortgage.

Sure, sounds like another sad story of the disadvantaged, right?

Oddly, as the family starves every month, Mrs. Diaz seems to have enough to feed the four family dogs and a bird.

I can't really fathom what the underlying messages of these two stories are. Am I supposed to feel sorry for these people and happily let my government take more of my income as taxes to pay for these sorry saps? Or are they readying us for the nanny-state that is sure to come with the election of the "most liberal senator" in the United States?

I see some very simple solutions to help heal a few of the issues these two families have. Bicycling? Selling the "hefty" mortgage? Eating the four dogs? I'm kidding of course. About the bicycles.

I, for one, am sick to death of paying for the lazy and insolent of this country, who are perfectly content to ride on the backs of hard working people of our great land. I find myself lacking sympathy for those who OPENLY and KNOWINGLY rob the people of this country vis a vis welfare programs using a variety of very thin excuses to justify their behaviour.

What stops these people from trying to improve their own lives? Hell, the government gives away free money for education too! And you wouldn't know it from the MSM, but there are plenty of jobs available. Just because you don't like the work doesn't mean you shouldn't sacrifice to put food on your family's table. Or does it?

Where is the reward for working hard in America? People like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama simply want to take more from us via taxes to give it to them via dumb welfare programs that are obviously being abused! If that's the case then who can blame the lazy people. There truly is no reward.

As a matter of fact, I think I just hurt my medulla oblongota writing this post. I'm sure there must be some welfare program for injured medulla oblongotas out there somewhere. And if not, there soon will be. . .just wait for Obama.

Thanks to Gateway Pundit for great blogging and no thanks to NPR for being stupid.

Don P  – (Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 11:31:00 PM CST)  

Two years ago, my son and I started our own handyman business. last year was tough, but this year has been a disaster, so we're looking fro work! We aren't looking for public assistance, or any handouts; we aren't even slightly sympathetic to other people, on the dole telling us how hard they have it.

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Monday, July 21, 2008 at 4:07:00 AM CST)  

What up Toast? I left a comment earlier today on the Sweetness & Light site about what a shitload of excuses these two hags are using NOT to work.

Now the latest one that's handy is the high cost of fuel. I also see two very FAT and unhealthy women who more likely than not are/will be type II diabetics in the very near future which gives them one more lame reason to stay on welfare.

Stereotype? What stereotype?

Cudi Bug  – (Monday, July 21, 2008 at 9:11:00 AM CST)  

Not to even mention they all have a blue tooth in their ear and a cigarette hanging from their lip as they whine......how do they pay for that???? Oh yeah.,. their friend boy....and don't even get me started on hair-dos and nails.....

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