Georgia On My Mind. . .
I would like to send out a very special thank you to the anonymous and attractive blonde and her girlfriend from Georgia in the BMW 325i who ran blocker for me from Gulfport to Magee, Mississippi, which is where I turn west winding my way home to the wooded warmth of Egypt Hill.These two young ladies blew past me on I-10 this morning, so I tagged along, struggling initially to keep up and having no idea that they were going to turn north on Highway 49 heading towards my home.
I was grateful to be able to drive like a maniac and be the person that I hate most, which is an unsafe, discourteous lunatic with no regard for the safety and well-being of others.
Hey, I never said I was perfect! Sometimes, even I am a narrow-minded hypocrite! Ha!
Over 110 miles in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Fast!
I wonder where I can find some chanterelle mushrooms? Those would be a delicious departure from the one pot cooking method I've employed all week. Maybe I'll just settle for a fried bologna sandwich and a cold Heineken.
Sometimes, I'm a very simple man.
i luv me sum peaches...and bmws(the cars, not big mexican women)