"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Those Who Know Me. . .

. . .and are willing to listen to my long rambling theories about world events know that I believe the reasoning that we went into Iraq is far more than the average man, woman, child or Congressperson can surely fathom.

I always assumed there had to be some disturbing, underlying reason to invade Iraq beyond the reverberating accusations from the left about oil, big oil, yadda yadda. President Bush may come across as some half-cocked cowboy dummy from Texas, but behind him is the world's best ever intelligence apparatus ever assembled by man and I have argued more than once that going into Iraq was far beyond our quest for oil. For God's sakes, it's $140 per barrel today.

The "strategery" of Iraq, as faulted as it may be, is surely a larger plan of positioning ourselves within the confines of one of the most dangerous places in the world surrounded by our enemies in an effort to drive a wedge, politically and socially, into the sides of our foremost enemies. This multifold plan to establish a stable democracy in Iraq also protects Saudi Arabia (like it or not), our smaller Arab allies in the region, bolsters Israel, needles Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon and with our front on the other side of Iran in Afghanistan, really turns the heat up on Iran. Simply because. . .

. . .Iran has been the goal of this 5 year struggle all along.

They are the premminent, sadistic, deformed head of today's modern terror movement and they WANT the bomb. End of the fucking story right there.

You can say what you want about oil or the weapons of mass destruction that never materialized. Yeah, just ignore the TONS of yellowcake uranium the USA and her allies recently moved OUT OF IRAQ.

Hey Scott Ritter? Where'yat boy?

The objective is all about Iran.

To disassemble the religious hierarchy of Iran, free her people and sedate the violent tendencies of militant Islam. Simple as that. Or is it?

Obviously not, but what choice do we have. Do you prefer a world where Iran, who colludes with the likes of Hezbollah or agents in Venezuela, to have a bomb or some "dirty" version of it to be smuggled across our borders. People are far too naive to realize the true danger of the world we live in. This world is sinister and filled with a Hogan's Alley of people who would step into the vacuum of a planet minus a wealthy, productive, diverse and strong United States. If Iran ever makes a bomb, it'll be damned hard to "unmake" it and we will be in a far less advantageous position to defend ourselves.

Yes, like us, love us or hate us, we are the only country with the fortitude, conscience, and quite frankly, the balls to smack other countries on the wrist and say, "Hey, get with the program! We're in the 21st century. Butchery, beheadings, child slavery, honor killings, suicide bombings will not be accepted."

We have learned to live peaceably and that is our simple goal for the planet: peace, free and goodwill for everyone.

So, believe me about my theory on Iraq? If so, come over and have a Heineken.

If not? Read this.

This is the real deal America. We are near the end and it's going to be US or THEM. I prefer us.

nauti girl  – (Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 10:09:00 PM CST)  

Well said, Brett.
Have you read the UN's RECOMMENDATION 666? It was written 6 or so years ago.

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