"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. . .

. . .everybody knows that Barack Obama has no balls. It's no secret.

And EVERYBODY knows that you "ain't gots no class, nigga."

Jesus Jesse, just shut the hell up. Your account for "society's trust" is past due, pay up and go away.

If black people can't lecture black people on the ills of their part of society and culture, then who can? Whites? The Chinese? Hardly, my boy.

I don't care much for Mr. Obama because of his rather "Manchurian Candidate" feel and his serious lack of the earned political experience that it will take to survive four years as President in the sump hole that is Washington, D.C. But really Jesse, if the first black presidential contender can't preach to the choir, who can? Do you have an answer for that, buddy?

Didn't think so.

You're just a dour and sour, forgotten and confused soul with a school bus yellow jealous streak a mile wide.

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