"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Anarchy This!

If you want a good perspective of the trappings of the mo-dern day "anarchist" as they put on a weak performance at the Democratic National Convention, pay a visit over to Little Green Footballs. Zombie, whose work includes past photo essays on the Code Pink protests in Berkley and the disgusting and vile Up Your Alley street fair in San Francisco replete with photographs of gay men having sex in the streets, has teamed up with Little Green Footballs to provide full coverage of the antics of these left-wing retards in Denver.

So far, Zombie has been caught up in a riot and was pepper sprayed by the police. The cost is high for unadulterated and raw journalism, but a trooper Zombie is.

Stop by for some fun and see the deranged lunatics that represent the left in America. God help us all should Obama be elected. This is HIS constituency.

The links to the Zombie/LGF coverage can be found on the header of LGF's home page. Enjoy and God Bless America, because we are nearing the end.

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 11:28:00 AM CST)  

Toast, I can still remember the 1968 convention and what happened in the streets of Chicago. Although I was only 14 years old and a flaming Liberal (Yes - I was politically aware at a very young age) it pissed me off. I had the conviction at 14 years of age that one could be very left and still respect the law.

Well the years dragged on and I saw the light at a very late time in my life. At the ripe old age of 42 I began to drift, no, make that rush headlong to the right side of the political spectrum.

A lifetime of realities taught me that the far left and their rationalizing moral bullshit were frauds. Bill Clinton gets a huge amount of credit for my political awakening. Can you say Travelgate? That was the straw that broke the Camel's back.

Now we have these douchebags in Denver vicariously (along with a few old sixties hippy holdovers) trying to catch lightening in a bottle. Hopefully the only thing they're gonna do is show the world how important it is not to elect a Democrap in this dangerous time.

Where's a German Shepard and Richard Daley the Elder when you need him? If these fucking Marxist scumbags won't respect the law at least they might learn to respect some power and authority.

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