"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

The Essentials. . .

You met my mutual friend with Nils, Mr. Ben J. Amin, yesterday. Well, today he offers some wise advice about camping in Alaska:

"Troops, one can never be too safe in the Alaskan wilderness. So that's why I always pack a fly rod, a high caliber revolver and a keg of beer. Because fuck, you just never know when you might need to do some fishin' or fight off a rabid grizzly bear who is after your fish. And of course should you miss with the revolver, you will at least have some beer to drink as you lie bleeding and legless in the tundra, slowly dying. The great thing is, if you do kill the bear, it's testicle soup for everyone!"

Words from a brilliant and well-prepared mind.

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