"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

The Strategy. . .

There have been many attempts to tie Barack Obama with various and asundry characters during his campaign for the presidency, Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, et. al., but all of those slimeballs will pale in comparison to Obama's association with ACORN as America continues to turn a blind eye to the truth.

What is ACORN you might ask?

According to their website:

ACORN is a non-profit, non-partisan social justice organization with national headquarters in New York, New Orleans and Washington, D.C. To maintain independence, ACORN does not accept government funding and is not tax exempt.

Non-partisan my foot. One look at their "Allied Organizations" page and it's obvious that ACORN leans hard-left. Nevertheless, they attempt to put on a non-partisan face. And in Nevada, they've done proudly so by allegedly employing convicts, some of whom are in jail for identity theft, to canvass for new voters. Great job ACORN!

I think they should rename ACORN as "A Convict Or Nothing" organization because for many years now, there has been a seriously concerning and accelerating trend of voting irregularities that point in the direction of ACORN.

And now, ACORN's name keeps popping up during discussions and analyses of the mortgage bailout/financial crisis the world is experiencing. Probably just a coincidence, don't you think? According to some, it'd be racist to assume otherwise, but I've always said, doo doo never falls far from the ass. Actually I never say that, I just made it up.

I for one see a clear connection between the three. Obama, ACORN, and our now Democratically controlled Congress. Shysters, all of them. And where are the investigations? Haven't heard a whole lot about that, have we?

Anyway, Michelle Malkin has a good wrap-up of the Nevada raid on ACORN's office, more fun in Ohio and through the website Little Green Footballs I found an interesting analysis on the origins of the subprime mortage mess at Back Talk.

Read on! Vote! Vote now! And under the direction of ACORN: Vote Often!

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