This One Calls For. . .
>> Wednesday, February 4, 2009 –
fake ta-ta's,
plastic surgery,
sick sick sick
an OMGWTF all-together!!!1!
Everything is bigger and better in Texas Brazil??!1!
How deliciously ironic that they come out KKK, cause she looks like the product of some white supremacist, backwoods, drunken orgy.
Hey, I'm allowed to say that because I'm white and live in the backwoods.
Holy Smokes! She's gonna need a parachute for a bra.
i met them, i mean her, last year. what an interesting character. there is more than meets the eye, but i couldn't put a finger (or quadruple handful)on exactly what it was. I think she even tried to showcase her talents on America's got talent. try to find that one on u-tube!!
knock-knock...who's there?
emerson who?
emerson big ol tits!