"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

At Least It's Not Spaceships. . .

Ok, another freaky doomsday cult has been discovered by the media, but this time in Russia. Apparently, they've been living in a bunker for a few months and with four children no less. They don't eat processed foods and want to boil their own milk. Just a sec, is this Russia or California?

Anyway, the group (i.e., the lunatic, psychopathic, megalomaniacal leader) has proclaimed that credit cards and UPC bar codes are satanic.

Um, okkkaaaaayy.

Hey, you know what else is satanic?


Knock knock?

Who's there?


Jesus who?

Jesus Christ, it's Satan!!

Hey, you know what else is satanic?

Hillary Clinton.

Shit, maybe they are one and the same!?

C'mon Bobcat, we're headed to the cat-bunker!

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Tuesday, April 1, 2008 at 10:02:00 AM CST)  

They remind me of those idiots down near San Diego who offed themselves about eleven years ago. Remember thd Heavens Gate cult?

Only in Kalifornia. The land of fruits and nuts. Multiple Darwin Award winners. Good for the gene pool.

Burnt Toast  – (Tuesday, April 1, 2008 at 6:14:00 PM CST)  

You know, on a good dark night I like to stand out in the yard and watch for satellites and shooting stars and ponder just exactly what I would do if a spaceship passed by or landed. Frankly, I'd probably freak the hell out hoping they don't break out the ol' rectal probe.

But I guess my brain developed enough to discern between reality and the absolutely fucking insane.
Sure, let's all drink poison!! The spaceship is coming!!

Fucking idiots.

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