"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Dear Congress. . .

You, with the exception of a very select few, suck big, hairy and sweaty baboon balls. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi especially.

A Disgruntled American Voter

Reading crap like THIS, where Harry Reid is opposing a moratorium on Congressional earmarks, aka big, greasy, gotcha-in-my-back-pocket pork barrel spending projects, just really burns me up.

I'm incendiary-like. On fi-ya!

And then, when my friends email me a video such as the one below. . .I get a slow burn right down at the base of my dum animal brain that leaves me with nothing but unadulterated rage and an itch to grow a prehensile tail so I can move back to Madagascar.

Who are these people running our country? Did we elect these dopes on ropes? Did we? Really? Does this mean that WE are stoopid too? Lord Almighty hep us all!

Kinda pisses ya right off, doesn't it?

Reid and Pelosi zipped around after the last election when the Democrats took over things in Congress like a couple of rabid fruit flies on a 10 day meth bender. We're gonna do this, we gonna change that, we gonna work longer, we're gonna. . .we're gonna. . .hey, we're in power, we ain't doin' shit!

Word on the street is they won't pass anything of importance until they get a more favorable person in the White House. Somehow this stinks like green cheese. Aren't we paying these motorheads to do stuff NOW? But instead, they feel comfortable enough to fart around like a bunch of slapdicks and do nothing?

What the hell have you people done in the last year and a half? Named a few fucking post offices? Well, holy shit! God only knows we need to waste more time and money doing that! Fuck!

How about we do something more to get our collective mouth off the oil titty of the Middle East? That sounds like a great idea, doesn't it? Remember the last oil crisis? Where did our petroleum dollars go? Right into the pockets of the people that hate us most!

We need to drill oil now. Here! We have plenty of it!

Yet, loonball, leftwing, flitterturds are entirely too worried about the seven-toed, one-eyed, blind, hooter frog to give a crap that all of our hard earned money goes right into the pockets of the people that want to see us DEAD! That's just great.

Hey, here's a good poll question for Americans: Who is more evil? Al Qaeda, who flew planes into buildings resulting in 3000+ deaths and the people that support them or Exxon Mobil. I shudder at the potential results.

Listen up world! When it all goes to hell in a hand-basket and some Allah-fearing, "conditioned" individual finally sets off some device that renders your metro area uninhabitable for a few thousand years, it will be us, the right wing of America, with our guns (lots of guns) and our ignorant ways who will protect you. And let me tell you, you won't be giving a shit about the variegated, fluttering, one-nosed, moose twit bird.

Maybe, just maybe, we'll take care of you. If we feel like it.

I am Burnt Toast and I approved this vulgarity-laced message.

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