"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Finally. . .

the courts get smart.

From the Clarion Ledger:

Ramon Lagos Andrade came to this country from Honduras for the American dream.

Now, that dream has gone bad: Andrade, 34, is going to federal prison because he came here on the wrong side of the law.

"We ask the court for leniency," Andrade's attorney, Joe Holloman, told U.S. District Judge Henry Wingate on Monday. "He made a terrible mistake. He was in this country illegally."

Wingate showed no leniency. He more than doubled the 13-month sentence U.S. Attorney Erin Chalk recommended Andrade receive for being here illegally while also in possession of a firearm.

Terrible mistake. Boo hoo.

Chalk one up for justice.

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 2:10:00 PM CST)  

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess he wasn't in a sanctuary city when he was arrested.

If this had happened here in Los Angeles there would be five or six immigrant advocacy groups fighting for his RIGHTS, regardless of the gun charge.

I'm also pretty sure the workers he was paying from the $6,000.00 he grossed each week were very probably illegal too. Union construction jobs in Kalifornia are close to extinction due to illegal labor. At one time these were great jobs, now they're just the urban version of illegal farm work. As far as "leniency" that his lawyer Holloman is asking; where's the leniency for LEGAL workers who can't find work because the market is flooded with illegals who IMHO are nothing more than SCABS.

So the problem is like a ponzi scheme. It starts out small at the top and by the time the gift keeps on giving it's huge at its base. Good for Miss. for throwing the book at this guy.

Burnt Toast  – (Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 7:51:00 PM CST)  

Holloman knew this guy was screwed and could only ask for mercy. I think the judge sent a clear message to future "illegal migrants" as the paper termed Senor Andrade. This guy was NO migrant. He was here, for years.

I have no problem with people coming to this country, Mexican or otherwise. I know many Mexicans from the construction industry and most are fine, hard working people who are here on good papers.

I've written before about my experiences as an illegal immigrant in a foreign country and the name of the game is: get caught, you lose. Don't play with fire if you aren't willing to get burnt.

As far as the consequences of Americans losing or not having jobs, there are, at times, far more sinister consequences. Just search "bridges" in this blog. How about welders with "inappropriate welding certifications" rebuilding the bridge infrastructure on the Mississippi coast after the hurricane? Now, that could have some serious consequences.

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