"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast


I received this email from Howard Dean and the Democratic National Committee a few days ago and largely ignored it because, well do I really have to explain? Just look who it's from.

I guess what really irritates me is that my business email address is relatively new and virtually unknown outside of my business contacts within the construction industry. I'd like to know how I got on the mailing list for the DNC.

However, after reading the subject line of this email I could not stop laughing for several minutes.


(click image to enlarge)
For those of you who don't regularly keep up with conservative blogs, check here, here and here for the beginning of a very long running joke about Barracks Alabaster.

Democrats are unbelievably stupid. And they want to run our country. I am afraid.

Oh and one other thing, Thunderbird is exactly right, this is a scam.

Anonymous –   – (Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 7:18:00 PM CST)  

Crawford! Now why would the Democrats want to start out their big voter registration party with a good old fashion Texas ass-kickin? Hahahaha..what morons.

Anonymous –   – (Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 7:22:00 PM CST)  

morons, all of them.

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 12:42:00 AM CST)  

Toast, when you think about it, much of what the REAL Dhimicrat Platform consists of after the convention will be a scam too.

Lord knows what the GOP is gonna come up with. Sixteen years later and Ross Perot is starting to look good to me.

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