"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

The Honeymoon. . .

The main-stream media's love affair over Barack Obama has been a sickening orgy of blind affection, adulation and ignorance. Like watching two new lovers lustfully groping one another in a public space. Disgusting, annoying, sickening and enviable. Doesn't everyone want that true, lasting and powerful love?

Sadly, the love typically wanes and the contempt sets in. What was once cute and adorable becomes grating and undesirable. You realize the repetitive throat-clearing at the dinner table is worse than fingers on a chalkboard or the foot odor once seemingly tolerable nows permeates everything with the undeniable stench of ill-remembrances.

This is your life Barack Obama. The media loves you, but be careful and watch your back. They are a fickle and herded lot. Elitists, wanna-be Murrows, not to be misaffected or maligned, mishandled or misguided, often biting the hand that feeds with a rabid, infected mouth.

Your first hundred days will be your best, the last of a very good roll and the beginning of the end for your presidency. They will hoist you up as a God, our Lord and Savior, as the white-guilt is cast off and they present you, a man of two colors, solely as one. Our sins will be absolved.

From then on, prepare for the worst. They will eviscerate you at every chance, they will mock your decision-making and/or lack thereof. Your life in macro view for all to see. I hope you have washed behind your ears, Barack.

As I sit and think of the predicament we find ourselves in, on the verge of socialism, cloaked as the new democracy of the American left, I shudder at our well-being in four years. But, with a wry smile, I huck a good laugh to myself knowing, simply knowing that the vicious wolf-pack of your lovers, the media, are going to cut you into little pieces after the exuberant delirium of the honeymoon wilts. It's going to be a great show.

Good luck buddy. They made it easy for you. . .but just wait. Just wait. As they've always said, "love stinks."

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